7 Best Anime About the Outdoors that are Relaxing

Anime about the Outdoors are quite rare every year, but thankfully, there’s quite a number of them already if you’re just starting out. We will be naming a few of the best slice of life Anime about the Outdoors that you should watch if you’re a fan of the Slice of Life genre.


Anime about the outdoors is amazingly fun to watch for any Anime fan who loves relaxing and non-dramatic Slice of Life stories. In this Article, we will list down a few well known slice of life outdoors Anime for you to relax and enjoy, and maybe getting you interested in the real life outdoor activities at some point.

Yuru Camp

Yuru Camp has got to be the most popular title among the Slice of Life Anime genre, and probably one of the best slice of Anime to represent an awesome outdoor activity, and that is camping. Camping is an awesome recreational activity for adventuring and exploring and Yuru Camp doesn’t fail to showcase that joyful experience in the world of camping.

What Yuru Camp achieves is how it is able to depict an outdoor activity so aesthetically pleasing to the audience that it can grasp the attention of the viewers to where they would like to try it themselves in the real world. The Anime does a great job promoting a calm, relaxing, and fun experience for any Slice of Life Anime fan.

Yama no Susume

Yama no Susume is another great camping Anime but its main key focus is on Mountain Climbing. Mountain Climbing is another popular recreational activity that people enjoy, and it’s not surprising that there’s an Anime focusing on this concept as it’s a popular hobby in Japan with Japan having numerous of Mountains to hike, climb and explore.

Yama no Susume uses this outdoor interest to its advantage and represents the pleasure and enjoyable factor that mountain climbing can bring to someone. The wonders of Nature is an amazing part of our lives and being reminded that there are beautiful sceneries, places and things to do like Mountain Climbing exist in this world that Yama no Susume encourages this hobby to its audiences.


Amanchu! is a great addition to the outdoor Anime genre, it’s a solid slice of life Anime that goes into detail about Scuba Diving, the challenges, and benefits in Scuba Diving. Scuba Diving is one of the best recreational activities and professions as exploring the ocean is the best interest for any human who’s curious about the depths of the sea.

Amanchu does delve into the details of scuba diving really well, and never fails to bore you with its calming atmosphere. If you love marine life, scuba diving or anything related to the ocean, Amanchu is a great pick!

Check out our review: Amanchu Review

Houkago Teibou Nisshi

Houkago Teibou Nisshi is a recent 2020 Anime that focuses on recreational fishing. A bunch of students that belong to a club called “Breakwater” which they do fishing for fun, learning the concepts, ideologies and a bit of fishing education for the audience. Fishing is the most peaceful activity for anyone, and it’s quite fun in real life when you catch a fish. If you love fishing, or feel curious about the hobby, how about giving this Anime a go in introducing the world of fishing to you.


Bakuon!!! isn’t something you usually find in Anime, but then again, Slice of Life Anime will and can delve into anything possible. Do you love Motorcycles, well this main character surely does after seeing it upfront when she took a regular bicycle up a hill. Motorcycles are a fun vehicle to drive, the speed, and feeling in going fast against the wind could possibly be the most enjoyable factor in wanting to try for yourself and no doubt if you’re interested in joy riding on a motorcycle, you can relate with this Anime.

Koisuru Asteroid

I personally enjoyed Koisuru Asteroid and it’s one of the only Anime that showcased Astronomy really well. There has a been a few Animes out there that revolved around the Astronomy theme, but never really set foot in detail to make it a solid Astronomy Anime.

However, Koisuru Asteroid did change that by depicting the Astronomical field in a solid storyline about how the characters that became interested in Asteroids, and other characters being passionate in other Astronomical fields that represent more or less in detail about Astronomy itself and the profession. If you love Astronomy, Koisuru Asteroid is the best and probably the only solid general Astronomy Anime you’ll find.

Long Riders!

Long Riders is a cycling Anime showcasing a girl who fell in love with cycling in which she just newly transitioned from an average civilian collapsible bike to a racing road bike. Long riders is one of the only Animes about cycling, and it does an awesome job showing this outdoor activity which at times making me even want to cycle. Long Riders doesn’t really delve into competitive cycling as a sport but rather the recreational feeling of cycling as a casual hobby.

Want to know more about cycling Animes? Check out our Article: Best Anime about Cycling

What is your Favorite Anime about the outdoors? Enjoyed any of them? Comment down below!

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