How to Download Region Locked Apps using QooApp on Android

Want to know How to Download Region Locked Apps? Region Locked Applications are annoying, especially if it’s a game you really want to play, but it is not going to release in your region anytime soon, or maybe never because corperations and publishing rights are annoyingly pathetic sometimes.

But hey, don’t worry as we got you covered, because we found an App that can help your dire need for this specific reason. QooApp is an App sharing platform, where it allows you to download any kind of game that is available to you on the platform since it will download the .Apk for you, so you don’t have to search the .Apk files manually on the internet risking yourself to viruses, amazing right?


What is QooApp?

QooApp is an App sharing platform that enables people around the world to access games that are “region blocked”, or not available within their own region. As stated on their About Us page, “we believe that the joys of gaming has no boundaries, proactively spreading the joys of gaming to our audiences.” This has enabled tons of people around the world to access their favorite games from Japan, Korea, or China, and even North America that isn’t readily available to download on their own regions Google play store.

Is QooApp safe?

Yes, QooApp is safe, since tons of people around the world have used this app as stated on their site, they have 17 million downloads, and 200k active users daily worldwide. QooApp acts like a 3rd party downloading platform for Apps, so, they have a community forums, App reviews, and just the overall community features to keep it alive and trustable among many who use it.

Installing QooApp

  1. Head on to the officials QooApp website and find their download page
  2. Download the app via your mobile browser or PC browser.
  3. Click the download App, once the .Apk file is done and in your mobile, tap to install it.
  4. Once it’s installed, open the App and you are free to choose whatever you game you need.
(Download page)

Navigating the QooApp

Navigating the QooApp is pretty straightfoward. The App gives you a decent feed display of what’s popular and new with any other recommendations related along with the “currently following” section if needed and a Search Bar on the top right.

At the bottom of the App, there are 5 sections being: Home, News, Games, Events and Account. Pretty self explanatory, as if you want to go straight to downloading your region blocked games, you can head on to the Games Section in the middle and search from there.

The Game Section – How to Download Games?

As we can see there are alot of menu’s in the Game Section, but for now we can scroll horizontally and see the many options we can filter and find our desired Game we want to download, from Japanese, korean, Western and China related games that you may not find on the Google play store, even pre-register for any upcoming games you want to be in.

There are other options like “QooApp Exclusive Apps”, again, QooApp is an App sharing platform, so, indepedent developers of Indie games would use this App as well to upload their products.


Upon clicking the desired game application you want, you’ll have a simple layout about the information of the App you’re downloading, from the specificed download size, review and rating, and a social timeline-posting area. Just like Google play but without the region block system they have in their store, QooApp is open to anyone from anywhere.

Community Reviews & Rating

What’s more convenient is that, just like Google play, QooApp does come in with their in-built review system, so anyone globally can read and make reviews of downloading whatever App it may be.

Public Posting Timeline

There is what you call an in-built social posting feature in QooApp, and anyone can make a casual post related to the App itself which can appear in the “Timeline section” located in the Games/Applications page.


That’s pretty much it, there are alot of other areas of the App to explore, but we’ll leave that to you. As this article just shows you only on How to Download Region Locked Apps with it, happy gaming, and hope you get to play your region blocked game right away.

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