One Punch Man 3rd Season Announced

One Punch Man 3rd Season was just announced on the official website and their twitter page, showcasing a new visual image teaser for the fans along with it.The new teaser visual was drawn by Oath Kubota, who was in charge for the character design during One Punch Man season 1 and season 2. Fans of the series are rejoicing and hyped at this surprising announcement.

You can check their official tweet below, or their official website here, along with the high quality teaser image. Unfortunately not much other information has been revealed, so stay tune for more at or with the One Punch Man Official pages.

One Punch Man 3rd Season Twitter Announcement and New Teaser Visual

One Punch Man is an all time favorite seinen anime that came out in 2015, animated by the studio Madhouse. Years later a second season came out in 2019 produced by J.C Staff. Hoping either of the two comebacks to animate the 3rd sequel of One Punch Man, as they have provided good quality animation for the title. If you didn’t know, a One Punch Man live-action adaptation film is also set to announce soon, and was first ordered in 2020. Going to show how popular the franchise is.


What is One Punch Man About?

If you haven’t watched one of the best seinen animes in its genre, you definitely should. One Punch Man depicts a sole superhero, our main character Saitama, who has a rather unique overpowered hero trait, and that is, he can defeat any enemy with one punch, literally. Taking the typical hero trope, or the common overpowered main character plot to the next next level that may appear rather amusing to you. One Punch Man delivers very well in its plot, character development and animation, and is definitely something worth watching for because of how unique it is. Watch our boy saitama, try to find an enemy on equal terms with him and where he joins a league of heroes where he starts from the lowest of ranks.

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